Year-End Stress and Anxiety

 In Blog

As the end of the year approaches, it’s not unusual for stress levels to increase. We have the holidays to enjoy, and for many the holiday season also creates anxiety. This anxiety can stem from many sources. A couple of examples include those who dread how they will spend the holidays or those who feel pressured to spend money that they may not have! And, the end of the year itself can cause some to reflect on what they had hoped to accomplish, and they may feel up against a deadline to accomplish goals they forgot they even had. And in the workplace, there are likely many year-end deadlines that create anxiety as well!

I was inspired by a coach colleague of mine who recently posted the Serenity Prayer on her Instagram. I am not religious, and I always associated the Serenity Prayer with 12-Step Recovery Programs so never paid attention to it as I’m fortunate to have not had a need to participate in a recovery program. However, in a recent conversation I truly learned the value of its meaning! For those unfamiliar with this poem it reads as follows:

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.”

When I became open to reading this poem and understanding it, it offered a very strong and important message. It is a helpful reminder of the importance of:

  • Accepting and letting go of that which you cannot control (acceptance that you can’t change those things)
  • Being aware of what you actually can control or can change and taking action on those
  • Accepting responsibility for what is in your control  
  • Having the courage to take responsibility and action to change what is in your control

The meaning of serenity is calm, peaceful, clarity….

As we approach Thanksgiving, I personally was stressed over trying to “please” everyone in an impossible scenario. I finally let go of what was out of my control, and courageously made the choice to spend the holiday the way I will be most content.

  • What can you let go of so you can be fully present and enjoy the holiday?
  • What will bring you a sense of calm?

Similarly, if you are experiencing stress or anxiety about the upcoming end of the year, what will help you to not get overwhelmed? What is in your control and what choices can you make? What can you let go of?

I wish you peace, calm and clarity this holiday season.

As an executive coach, I challenge and support my clients to perform at their maximum level. And this often includes helping them to gain clarity on what they cannot change and what they need to let go of. Does this sound like you or someone in your organization? Interested in learning more? Let’s connect.

“The only thing you sometimes have control over is perspective. You don’t have control over your situation. But you have a choice about how you view it.” – Chris Pine

GratefulSet clear expectations