What are You Ready to Commit to for 2021

 In Blog

Two weeks ago, I shared a post entitled Celebrate Successes to Set New Goals. Today is the last day of 2020. What are you ready to commit to?

Some helpful questions to ponder:

  • What were some of your biggest learnings from this year that is coming to a close?
  • What do you want to start doing?
  • What do you want to do more of?
  • What do you want to do differently?
  • And, what do you want to stop doing?

In speaking with colleagues and clients, a common theme that keeps coming up as they think about what they want to address in the coming year is to get rid of, or at least lessen their self-doubt and limiting beliefs that hold them back from claiming their full potential.

Self-doubt and limiting beliefs show up in many different ways. For example, I have seen it show up as fear, often fear of failing, or fear of being judged; lack of control; and excuses, which I often see with prospective clients who truly want to work with me, and find “reason” after “reason” as to why now is not the right time – “time” being one of the biggest excuses. My concern for people who keep putting off what they know they want and need is the time they end up losing by delaying. I’ve seen all too often once I start working with someone who postponed, that they wish they had started working with me sooner.

When I partner with my clients, an incredibly helpful tool for them is that I hold them accountable to take the actions they commit to. This helps them to move forward toward achieving the results or goals they are truly seeking, thus getting closer to reaching their full-potential, and no longer delaying what’s possible for them.

I help them focus on prioritizing, and challenge them to make choices, such as what they want to say yes to, and what they want to say NO to! Too often, people don’t have a clear sense of their priorities, keeping them stuck and not accomplishing what needs to get done. And it’s all too common for people to overcommit which hinders their true ability to deliver and to focus on what’s really important. I see this not only with individuals, but with organizations as well.

It’s important to identify what really matters, what is absolutely necessary, and what no longer serves you or the organization. The questions posed above are shared in just this way to help you identify what is important and what is no longer of value!

These questions, often seen as or known as Start/Stop/Continue, are often used in performance management processes. They are also used by teams and companies as a whole to help gain more clarity on and focus on what is essential!

My hope for you is that 2021 is your best year yet. If you take the time to create a vision for the year that will challenge you or your organization to move forward with clarity and purpose, and find a way to hold yourself accountable, desired results are more likely to be achieved. Looking for a thought partner? Let’s connect.

“Don’t let others tell you what you can’t do. Don’t let the limitations of others limit your vision. If you can remove your self-doubt and believe in yourself, you can achieve what you never thought possible.” – Roy T. Bennett

Celebrate successes to set new goalsburnout and mental health in the workplace