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How we show up, and how we behave impacts our team and organizational culture. As we think about gratitude, and showing our appreciation to our colleagues, it is wonderful to have the opportunity to experience the emotion of gratitude, share our thanks, and be able to witness it in action.

When individuals or teams work hard and deliver impactful results, and then are acknowledged for their results, it creates meaningful moments and opportunities for celebration. It also reaffirms the important work that has been done and provides momentum for more impactful work to follow.

Taking the time to thank someone for making a difference provides a source of inspiration and provides encouragement for them to continue with their effort. Oftentimes, leaders or colleagues notice when an individual or team makes an impact, while the individual or team doesn’t look at it quite the same way. Providing feedback is a wonderful way for leaders or colleagues to help shift perspective.

And providing feedback and one’s gratitude adds to creating a healthy culture.

The culture that is created on any team or in any organization is the result of repeated behaviors over and over.

Sometimes, if efforts that make a positive impact are not acknowledged, the individual or team can become disappointed. If this is a regular occurrence, employees can become disengaged. With employee engagement critical to any organization’s success, showing gratitude is one very important effort, and simple step, that can make a positive impact. A Gartner study found that only “33% of employees were engaged” in 2023. Showing gratitude is not the only solution to helping to drive up employee engagement, but showing gratitude connects with feedback and wellbeing, two metrics used by Gallup to measure employee engagement.

What impact do you notice when you acknowledge others, or share your gratitude?

Studies show that showing gratitude impacts both the “giver” and the recipient in positive ways. Those who receive thanks, are likely to offer thanks and support to others. Those who “give thanks” are said to have increased joy and enhanced wellbeing.

How would you rate your team or organizational culture? What do you know about your own level of engagement, and that of the rest of the employees around you? What is the current practice of acknowledging and appreciating the efforts of others? Want to explore more ways to increase employee engagement and improve your team or company culture? Let’s Connect.

“No one who achieves success does so without acknowledging the help of others. The wise and confident acknowledge this help with gratitude.” – Alfred North Whitehead

perspectives open mindReflective practice for improved goal setting