It’s a New Year – What are you Hoping for?

 In Blog

Welcome 2022! And Happy New Year!

I hope this finds you having had a chance to relax a bit at the end of the year.

I had a conversation with a colleague of mine on Monday, the first day back to work in the new year. He shared that he “needs a two-week vacation”. The reality is, everyone experiences the holidays/end of year differently.

  • Some fully relax and reset;
  • Others, who have young children, find that it creates more demands on parenting when schedules are disrupted;
  • Many visit with extended family which can provide joy – especially if it’s the first visit after two years; or it can create stress, challenging conversations, or pressure to entertain;
  • This holiday season, many flights were cancelled causing challenges following through with travel plans;
  • And some people don’t get time off and work through the holidays.

It’s often difficult to have certain expectations, whether our own or others, that don’t come to fruition causing us to feel depleted or “less than”.

If your expectations weren’t met, what is a new perspective to connect with that might help you recognize something positive? Considering various perspectives is often a helpful exercise – not only to help shift from focusing on a negative, but also can be a helpful tool for thoughtful and thorough decision making.

The beginning of the year is often associated with a time to set “resolutions” or new goals for the coming year. Often times those resolutions or goals are disposed of very quickly especially if they did not involve thoughtful planning. If you want to set realistic and achievable goals, it’s helpful to:

  • Only set one or two goals
  • Be very clear on your reason for setting the goal
  • Consider the possibilities and perspectives of achieving the goal
  • Frame the goal positively
  • Create a plan to achieve the goal
    • “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
  • Determine what success will look like and have a way to measure your progress – and measure it!
  • Be persistent – don’t give up!

Consider these questions:

  • What are you hoping for in this coming year?
  • What’s important for you to feel fulfilled, or to feel a sense of accomplishment?
  • How do you plan to “stay on track”?

If you or someone you know is looking for support or accountability in planning, measuring, or achieving specific goals, let’s connect.

“Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.” – Pablo Picasso

Set clear expectationsRetention Culture