Go For It!

 In Blog, Coaching

Exploring mantras such as Go for it! and Let it go.

Over a decade ago, I started living by the mantra, “Let it go”. I had an epiphany when I belayed off a 40-foot landing and had to trust that all would be okay. It was an experience in letting go of “control” and realizing so much is possible by doing so.

This is a mantra I still live by and will continue to do so. I empower my clients to gain similar insights. One way to do so is to practice curiosity. When you let go of “knowing” and inquire with curiosity, learning happens and trust increases. This is important in all relationships, including in work relationships.

My new mantra, Go For It came to me when I had an accident that made me recognize, up close, how unpredictable life can be. While skiing in Utah, I blacked out and fell. The result was a concussion. I was beyond fortunate that all that happened was a concussion which caused me to have amnesia for a short window of time, approximately 30-45 minutes. I have not yet regained all memory from the incident. This experience was a great warning that we do not know how long we will be at our best, or for that matter, how long we will live. In that, it’s a helpful reminder to do what you want to do while you can. In other words – do it now, Go for It!

Whether that is going for the promotion you know you’re ready for; getting the new job you’ve been contemplating; experiencing a new activity you’ve been thinking about. Don’t wait – Go For It!

This mantra opens up so many possibilities.

What are you wanting NOW?

On the first iteration of my website, designed over a decade ago, I had the following quote included on one of my pages: “If not now, When?” – Hillel the Elder. This quote suggests the same; don’t wait, take action now!

  • What have you been procrastinating about?
  • What have you been putting off?
  • What excuses are getting in your way?
  • What will help you to move forward?

Interested in learning more about how working with an executive coach can help you to take action and move forward? I support individuals – from emerging leaders to executives, teams, and organizations, to perform at their highest potential, which includes taking action to move forward. What gets in your way? What about within your organization? I would welcome the opportunity to explore with you. Let’s connect.

“You will either step forward into growth, or you will step back into safety.” – Abraham Maslov
