Make Choices to Enjoy Fulfillment

 In Blog

I just returned from a quick getaway for some “me time” in my happy place – the mountains. This was my second time to the mountains in the last 2 months – and that was by choice. You see, the mountains are my calling. Whether skiing or hiking, there is something about spending time in the mountains that brings me fulfillment, connection, and tremendous gratitude and ensures I show up as my best self!

As I hiked the trails in Tucson, Arizona, I felt alive, at peace, incredibly connected to nature, to myself and to my partner with whom I was hiking. Over 20 years ago, when my partner and I would hike, I’d ask for conversation – he preferred hiking with more silence. I couldn’t quite understand it, yet this past week, while hiking, though we had some conversation, I noticed that most of our time was spent in silence – connecting to nature; practicing mindfulness. And I found it to be magnificent.

Fulfillment comes to each of us differently

While I was hiking, enjoying such immense fulfillment caused me to think about choices I have made; recognizing that I’m always at choice. It made me think of work that I get to do with my clients. I reflected on a conversation I had recently with a group of women I work with in a facilitator role. Our first gathering was spent getting to know each other, and one thing that I shared when speaking of the future was that retirement is not something I think about. I experience total fulfillment doing what I do each and every day with my clients, for which I am beyond grateful and it’s not something I can ever imagine wanting to stop having the privilege of! My comment about fulfillment inspired reflection for some of the women in the group – reflecting on what provides them with fulfillment.

There are many ways to feel connected

Feeling connected while hiking made me think about the “loss of connection” so many people have felt since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. It’s something that many of my clients have struggled to work through, and I also had to work through. While hiking, I considered the many different ways one may experience the feeling of being connected. It’s not only connecting with people – which I believe was the focus for so many people during the hardest months of the pandemic. In the instance of hiking, I felt connected to me, and felt connected to nature. During the very difficult times of the pandemic – when people were sheltered in place, getting out for walks was a way for me to feel less isolated, and in that sense, more connected. I happen to live near the water, so my walks allowed me to feel connected with nature, as well as connected to me and to my body – and grateful for what I’m able to do.

How we look at something – our perspective – influences how we experience it

It’s all about perspective. How can you choose a different perspective to help you experience something differently, and perhaps better?

What brings you fulfillment? What choices do you make to ensure you’re able to enjoy fulfillment? Looking to explore and learn ways to stay in choice, set boundaries, and discover different perspectives? I support individuals, teams, and organizations, helping them to gain clarity on their purpose and what brings them fulfillment, use their values as a personal guide, and set boundaries to ensure they can be their best selves. Want to learn more? Let’s connect.

“Every living organism is fulfilled when it follows the right path for its own nature.” – Marcus Aurelius